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National clothing in Buryatia made of organic hemp

National clothing in Buryatia made of organic hemp

Buryatia is one of those countries where young people use cannabis quite extensively for personal use, despite official bans on its recreational use. But a recent amazing idea of young fashion designers, led by Vladimir Khalbaev, regarding the use of cannabis surprised and shocked everyone around them. They presented their fashion collection, for the production of which they suggested using fabrics from...hemp. What are the advantages of the created collection compared to the world brands?

Of course, firstly, the absolute naturalness of the clothing, which is not only pleasant to the touch, but also useful for your body. For dyeing fabric fibers creators use only natural dyeing materials. Secondly, such clothes practically do not wear out and do not lose their beautiful and stylish appearance while being worn. Thirdly, all sewn products do not require any special care or treatment. And, fourthly, it is certainly that all things are made of environmentally friendly material, because hemp is not specially treated with any pesticides or pesticides during the cultivation process. In addition, all sewn clothes are full of national colors and emphasize the individuality of each person.

All clothes for this interesting collection are made in Buryatia, but hemp is grown on special plantations in Thailand. As the creator and ideological inspirer Vladimir Khalbaev says: "The idea of creating such fashionable national Buryat clothes appeared not long ago and at first I limited myself to making only a few summer shirts for my family and a few friends". He did not think that his project will begin to develop so much, now, of course, too early to talk about profits, because it is only the beginning. So far it is a family business, Vladimir designs and selects the fabrics, and his sister does the sewing. They use special Buryat ornaments and models of national costumes to create the models. Of course, close attention is paid to the supply of material from Thailand, since the cultivation of hemp in Buryatia does not yet have a legal permit. Vladimir hopes to get it in the future, because hemp is a field for many ideas, including making paper, fabrics, and cosmetics.  
