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Why does smoking cannabis make your eyes red?

Why does smoking cannabis make your eyes red?

Red eyes after smoking cannabis is a common phenomenon that many people experience in themselves or others. This effect occurs due to the effects of cannabinoids on the blood vessels in the eyes. Specifically, THC, the active component in cannabis, dilates blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow to the eyes and, as a result, their red coloration. This phenomenon is often called "red eye". While this is an integral part of cannabis use for many, some people choose to avoid this effect, especially if they want to hide their use from others. However, it should be noted that red eyes are simply a physiological reaction and are not a sign of drug intoxication.

Low blood pressure and dilated capillaries.

After consuming cannabis products, you may notice changes in your blood pressure and heart rate. This is a common reaction to cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis that give it its medicinal properties. The increases in heart rate and blood pressure you may experience are very similar to physical activity such as exercise or sex. These changes are usually short-lived and disappear within 5-10 minutes, after which a decrease in blood pressure begins. At this point, capillaries and other blood vessels begin to dilate. When the capillaries in the eyes dilate, blood flow increases, which can cause red eyes. This process also helps reduce intraocular pressure. Cannabis's ability to lower intraocular pressure makes it potentially useful in treating glaucoma, a group of eye diseases that can cause damage to the optic nerves and even vision loss. This also explains why many people's eyes turn red after consuming cannabis.

How do different cannabinoids affect red eyes?

THC, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive component of cannabis and the main cause of red eyes after consumption. This cannabinoid stimulates the dilation of capillaries in the eye, which leads to increased blood flow and, as a result, redness of the eyes. However, the level of redness may vary depending on individual sensitivity to THC. Unlike THC, other cannabinoids such as CBD (cannabidiol), CBN (cannabinol) and CBG (cannabigerol) have less pronounced effects on the eyes. On the contrary, they may help lower blood pressure and reduce eye redness. Using cannabis strains that are higher in CBD compared to THC, such as those with a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, can help reduce eye redness while maintaining some of the desired effects without overt redness.

How else does cannabis affect the eyes?

Dilation of the pupils, or mydriasis, is a common reaction of the body to various stimuli, including the use of narcotic substances, including cannabis. This occurs due to effects on the nervous system and certain chemical processes in the brain. Cannabis, like some other drugs, can cause pupil dilation due to its effect on dopamine receptors. In this case, adrenergic receptors are activated, which in turn increases the level of adrenaline in the body. This process causes the pupils to dilate and may be one of the physiological signs of the effects of cannabis on the body. However, it is worth noting that dilated pupils can be caused not only by drug use, but also by other factors, such as changes in lighting, sexual arousal or physical activity.

Steps to get rid of red eyes

For those who want to avoid red eyes after consuming high-THC products, there are some methods that can help hide the phenomenon. Choosing strains that are high in CBD and low in THC can be an effective solution, as CBD does not cause the same increase in blood flow to the eyes as THC. It is also worth paying attention to special eye drops designed to reduce eye redness, which may be effective in solving the problem. Remember the importance of drinking enough fluids to avoid dry eyes, which can make redness worse. If other methods don't work, it's important to remain patient as red eye usually goes away after a while. Wearing sunglasses can also be a useful way to hide red eyes from prying eyes, especially if you are in a public place.
